Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Vessel Log: 2009 08 11

: long row of glaring bicycles, like knives in sheaths; E. got engaged in Las Vegas by the Bellagio fountains, mom sent a text; S.’s movie scene involving JB’s makes me laugh; back in the wooden room, reciting lines from A Mothers’ Lullaby, The Hungry Lion, Can Anyone Hear Me, A Magic Box, and Freddie The Leaf; T.-sensei and T.-sensei and I have lunch at a neighborhood restaurant; tonkatsu; T. gives me some omiyage she got from her trip to Tokyo, postcard of an Edo era print from found artwork in Greece, a pack of kabuki performer print cards, and a bottle of organic olive oil as a birthday present; sweating through a new shirt; grocery basket the recommended color assortment; it clings to the curtains, climbing them with grappling claws.

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