Friday, August 7, 2009

Vessel Log: 2009 08 07

: moths, their wings, dragonflies, bees motionless on the tar; carried away by janitorial ants; spiders the size of guilt if you were to murder them; heat and glare; walk the distance to Bombay Blue for lunch; pleasurable heat of a curry meal; walk the distance back through an archaeological drive and parking lot; 30 degrees now means hot instead of frigid; stop by city hall on my way home; omiyage for the office, squid-ink chocolate; a chat with J. about her back, etc; coated in shine; an early evening shower before the 5:56 express; meet T. in front of Daimaru; three stops too many on the subway; as the sun sets, the breeze picks up; this side of town is seagull territory, I wonder if the crows know this; K. in front of the shop; we’re given a small bag with a child’s drawing on the flap; a 2 hour lecture with short video and pictures about a small village in Cambodia, the building of a school and animism; not the izakaya and beer we were promised; scoff an onigiri in the 7-11 parking lot; meet L., T., and E. at Tlida; Hisashiburi!; then to a chain izakaya; since last month it’s been completely redesigned; no longer open and cruiseable; then karaoke at the box.

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