Sunday, August 9, 2009

Vessel Log: 2009 08 09

: a refrigerator of condiments, champagne, sliced bread, and sake; passive aggressive notes has me worried about a note that’s an invitation and nowhere near passive aggressive; like beer bust but not; trains and accents, unintentional aphrodisiacs; slow stroll towards the park, iced coffee in hand; gots me red hat and sunglasses on; each block sectioned off for a major beer company; Suntory, Asahi, Kirin, Sapporo; we gather with a mini-keg, order okonomiyaki, edamame, yakisoba, etc; air thick with heat; the man who sings mellow gold; J., T. and I peruse Uni Qlo and Right On; “You’re really fast at changing pants”; why is it always the ones you want that never have your size?; the three of us for Seize the Day; a karai bump; feels like I’m looking at the clock wrong.

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