Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Vessel Log: 2009 05 06

: it takes one swift movement to get the ground clear; oppression of the disorderly; the neighbors could be gearing up for a party, the tables are lined, the grill exposed; dandelions and wild daffodils; ebitenoroshi soba for lunch; bus ride anxiety stirs nausea; Sapporo Factory, wandering thirsty; T. found a cheaper theater and meet at the Junko bookstore; Finally, Milk on the big screen; all that has changed and all that has stayed the same; Prop 6 could be Prop 8; Anita Bryant and the states are the states of marriage; Harvey Milk needs more than a school and a statue; “I saw The Times of Harvey Milk on TV when I was in high school and it totally affected me.” made me want to move to San Francisco (and the Tales of the City mini-series); where are we now? I was the only man in the theater; amber streetlights, trees with leaves, a cool night in the city; does the station remember me? Heartbreak, all this beauty lends melting; after that movie, I realize, I have no reason to lose.

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