Thursday, August 12, 2010


The Werewolf Hotel

Welcome to the United States of America.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Funk & Wagnalls

Merry Christmas!

Look that up in your Funk & Wagnalls.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

OneFortyStory: The Silver Sun Incident

OneFortyStory is a Twitter project. Everyday for 140 days brings the reader a 140-character tweat continuation of a short story.

The Silver Sun Incident by David M. Morini

"A mysterious package lands in the town of Silver Sun, next to the Paradise Commons gated community. For the next 140 days find out what happens as Silver Sun’s citizens grapple with what to do with their unexpected surprise."

Starting November 1st, 12:00 PM Pacific standard time.

Follow OneFortyStory on Twitter here:

Enjoy! And comments generously welcome!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Vessel Log: 2009 10 17

: first Saturday not hungover in a while; use this time wisely to clean my living room, erase the laziness that’s heavy; watch Gohatto (Taboo) in the afternoon; at the grocery store buy meat and vegetables to go with a curry but settle on donburi instead; find myself gathering clothes and making it to a near empty Super Soya train; riding into Sapporo at night, darkness and the steady lights outlining the bridge; walk to Hearty listening to Fleetwood Mac and Stevie Nicks; I’m the first one there; S. and I talk; “There were many people here last night. Always after 12:00 this place gets busy.”; people trickle in; a girl came in, it was her birthday; I walk back to the train station, hoping to miss the train; I let fate decide whether I return to Hearty or go back to Iwa.; I make it to platform; the train heavy and full; I pass car after car and see an opening; my headphones blaring Fleetwood Mac; I check my cell phone.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Vessel Log: 2009 10 16

: ride my bike to the train station, a chilly and bright morning; on the local train eat towards Taki.; sitting in a booth with C., K., and J.; we’re loud and chatty while high school students and businessmen sleep or punch buttons on cell phones to the rocking of the train; mountains and flat rice fields; a factory painted with a mural; the chill, the sun, the small cold station reminds me of Boston; the vending machine kicks out a hot can of coffee; I tell the driver to take us to Taki. South High School instead of East; pumpkins on the stairs; a day of communications, meeting new teachers, the differences in work ethics; B. passes a group of girls hitting a softball off a T; he asks to try; taking a swing, he breaks the T, snapping it in half; kaiten sushi with E., T., J., B., and K.; Taki. looks a lot like Iwa., the canopied sidewalks, rusty poles, quiet night; back in Iwa., we call A. and plan to go to Thriller, surprisingly J.’s first time; ginger-whiskies; R. comes by an hour later; we sing and eat spicy potato fries and drink; riding home A. and I stop at Mos Burger; she tells me Kristin Chenowith is in the episode of Glee I hadn’t seen yet.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

vessel Log: 2009 10 15

: Aki grills us on pronunciations; now I know how my students feel, correcting their English, picking on the slightest drop or misuse of the tongue; hot latte from the vending machine, sugared and wired; ginkou; hard not to imagine today as Friday with tomorrow being a conference.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

vessel Log: 2009 10 14

: a dream of shattering a pint glass in the sink; though the backyard is slick in golden light the clouds above are a stressed slate blue; I drop a plate in the sink and nearly break a glass; B.’s at the bus stop; 2-nensei sing two songs as a chorus in the gymnasium; they were supposed to sing last Friday but because of influenza, it was cancelled; their voices combined into a powerful sound; one was the Tabibito song; after, there were comments from the teachers, their only audience; M-sensei was moved to tears; seeing them come together from rambunctious, squeaky kids to alto-strengthened and soprano-light chorus was pretty amazing; work with F-kun and S-kun for their recitation; the sun sets so early, light erodes on my way home; continue with HIStory; at home, a quick meal, tuna melt, and the urge to eat anything and all; Japanese TV, a kids program, two stars from the show help with a fune race; A. and I ride to yoga; I like riding to the station in the cold; stretch, pull, partners, hamstrings, meditation; priorities are all askew, or are they? Christ, who knows or Christ who knows; later, at 7-11 an okashi run, chicken nuggets and ice cream; overwhelmed with the daily falling down a flight stairs; an episode of Fringe while eating the nuggets with honey, then ice cream, then shower and get into bed by 11:30; reading Tokyo Doesn’t Love Us Anymore.